Spiritual E-mail 03, 04, & 05 For Spiritual Letter 154
(For"Text Only" Version of Expanded Version of Chapter 17) (of Expanded Version of Chapter 17)
(To Access The 5 "Spiritual E-mails")
============================================================== Introduction - to Spiritual E-mail 03, 04, & 05, For Spiritual Letter 154
Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
Bawa. My love you (anbu) My dearest loving Grand Children, My Son and Daugthters, My Brothers and Sisters (Ral.), and all of My dearest loving Children (Ral.) - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.).
Bawa. Here is the Last Three, that is, Pages 03, 04, & 05, of the Five Spiritual E-mails that were created as Part of developing Spiritual Letter 154, that is, "Spiritual E-mail 03, 04, and 05", which was created as Part of sending a Copy of the On-line Version of "Spiritual Letter 154" (www.SpiritualLetter154.homestead.com) to all of My Children, that is, to My Children who are currently on the "Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen Mailing List" (www.SMMailingList.homestead.com).
Bawa. As it turns out each of these 5 New E-mails provided another and helpful perspective on Chapter 17, "The Earthen Pot and The Brass Vessel" (www.Spiritual Book002Chap17.homestead.com), from the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom" (www.ThePearlOfWisdom.homestead.com), by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.).
Bawa. Therefore, not to loose this helpful perpective "We" have made a New Web Page as the Home Page for these "5 Spiritual E-mails", that is, for accessing On-line each of these "5 New E-mails".
Bawa. And Now through that "Home Page" you can Now access these Last Three Spiritual E-mails consolidated into 1 Web Page, that is, "Spiritual E-mail 03, 04, & 05", as well as each of the other "2 Spiritual E-mails", that is, "Spiritual E-mail 01", and "Spiritual E-mail 02". Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen.
============================================================== "New Longer Title" - For Pages 03, 04, & 05" For Page 03:
My Son, I shall tell you a subtle way to overcome the seven hells, that is, by become a "True Man", by becoming a "True Human Being", that is, by you becoming the "Earthen Pot" for your age and for all life, by you Choosing the "Earthen Pot" Over the "Brass Vessel" for your age and for all life, that is, by you joining in Partnership with God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you to support what "God is Already Doing" within you, with what is "Within God" within you, which is Revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you.
And in this way, The duty of the person who Chooses the "Earthen Pot" in the "Earth World", which in truth is Now the Current "State, Form, and Life" of Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Pleased", which is truth is Now the "Form of God" for your age and for all life, Over The 'Brass Vessel" in the Earth World, which in truth is Now the Current "state, form, and life", of all of My Children, which in truth is Now the "form of the satan" for your age and for all life, is to keep it unbroken and safe for one week.
He has to sell it, this "Earthen Pot", this "Form of God", at the market place in the "City of Magic" (Mayaa-Jaalam), that is, in the City of Possessiveness (Mamakaram), in the "Country of Self-destructive Possessive People", and bring to "Me" every cent of the sale.
Then he can stay with "Me", his God, in this place called the "Palace of Pearls" for several thousands of years.
He will have to stay only one week in the "Country of Self-destructive Possessive People" but with "Me" he can spend countless weeks. Be mindful of this
For Page 04:
The "Special Qualities" of the "Earthen Pot" are poverty, illness, difficulties, sorrow, and lack of pleasure.
However, whoever willingly and freely takes on this "Earthen Pot" for a week will experience "My Qualities" of Charity, Compassion, Generosity, Virtue, Truth, Patience, Duty, Justice, Human Qualities, and Fear of God.
Also, Such a One will experience thoughts of death, softness of heart, flood of Compassion, and the Fear of Allahu-ta-aalaa, the Blissful One. Your Kindness will not deviate from your Words even an iota day-in and day-out. Your heart will be full of Kindness with every increasing Joy. You will find happiness even amidst sorrow. People will praise you and celebrate your glory. You will take your place in the "Palace of Pearls" (Manimadam).
Those who listen to these words intensely, and with clarity, will become pure of soul, and say to God,
"O God, when I hear there words, I become frightened.
When I hear of the "City of Magic" (Mayaa-Jaalam), that is, the City of Possessiveness (Mamakaram), in the "Country of Self-destructive Possessive People" my head trembles.
Lord, I do not want this. Nor do I want this pot. O King, O God of Compassion, Gem of My Eyes, place Your Compassionate foot on my head. This alone is sufficient. Give me only that".
So God places His Holy Foot on the Shining Head. This is "Awwal" (the writing on the Tablet).
Those who receive this will exceed in love, experience supreme bliss, overflow with happiness, with the lamp of light in his heart, which will illuminate everywhere with effulgence. He will glitter as the exalted, "Swamiyar" commanding praise, dignity, respect and compassion.
My Dearest Loving Children, This is the writing of the "Awwal" or "Of Creation", which each man receives as the "True Destiny of his soul", if you like, as written on your head by God, that is, if you Now Choose "To Accept" the "Earthen Pot" Over the "Brass Vessel" as Now "Who you are", as "Where you are", and as "What is truly happening" in you life, that is, "To Accept" the "Earthen Pot" Over the "Brass Vessel" as Now your "Next Life", Here and Now, which in truth is the "Re-opened World of souls" within you, all of which in truth is the "Form of God" within you.
That is, by you Now Rejecting the "Brass Vessel" as Now as "Who you are", as "Where you are", and as "What is truly happening" in you life, that is, by you Now Rejecting your "current life", as in truth Now the "Enemy of your soul", as in truth Now the "anti-christ", as in truth Now the "form of the satan" within you, which in truth is Now the "Opened World of demons, tahe World of jinns, and the World of fairies within you, all of which in truth is the "form of the satan" within you.
By you Now Joining in Partnership with God, that is, as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, to let God "Cure Himself of you", that is, to let God cure Himself of "you" living a life of "separation and differences", a life of "selfishness", of sin, on the illusory "outside" of yourself, as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True". Amen. Ok?
That is, by you Now Joining in Partnership with God, as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you as Now Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Pleased", and then within you, as Now "Us" within Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) with in you. That would be good. Amen. Ok?
For Page 05:
Thus, with songs, dance, and joyous words, the pure life called the soul is shown the two types of circumstances that surround the two types of vessels in the country of self-destruction.
All those who choose the "Brass vessel" Over the "Earthen Pot" will perform ten times more the many evil actions mentioned above.
But those who choose to enjoy for a week the worldly pleasures of money, property, possession, freedom, wife, child, calf, cow, house, high-stories, studies, employment, respect, illusion, esteem, will at the end of it find they are afflicted by deep sorrow and ruinous hell.
There will be none even to inquire after them. The beautiful appearance of the shining "Brass Vessel" will lead them to this fate.
But Son, you must realize Now without the slightest doubt, that it is very rare for anyone from the "City of Magic" (Mayaa-Jaalam), the City of Possessiveness (Mamakaram), in the Country of Self-destructive Possessive People, to reach the "Palace of Pearls" (Manimadam). It is also very rare for One to receive the exalted "Foot of the King".
The "Rare Human" who achieves this State is called "Swamiyar". And it is this "Swamiyar" who gains "True Knowledge" as "Pure Effulgence, and who Only wants to keep his head beneath God's Glorious Foot, saying to His God with each breath, with each look, with each word, with each taste, with each thought, through His Actions, not just through His Words,
"You are the One I want"
It is Only this "Rare Human" Now known as Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) who is the True "Swamiyar" Now for your age and for all life, and it is Only His "Rare Children", Now known as the Children of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), who will become the True "Swamiyar", for this age, that is, who will Learn How To fall into the "One True Swamiyar" Now for your age and for all life, in their own lifetime.
Then each of My Children will become the True "Swamiyar" for your age and for all life, if you like, that is, those of My Children who have Now become His Children, who have Now truly become the Children of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), accepting Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) as such, as such Now for your age and for all life.
============================================================== "Spiritual E-mail 03, 04, & 05" - for "Text Only" Version of the "Expanded Version" of Chapter 17
Pages 3, 4, & 5
[Note: If you would like to be removed from this mailing list, please reply to this E-mail, changing the "Subject" to read, "Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen Mailing List - Please Remove Me From Your List". And if you would like to be added to this mailing list, please click HERE to read "About the Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen Mailing List" (www.SMMailingList.homestead.com). Thank you - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)]
[Note: You can access an On-line Version of this E-mail by clicking on the following, "Spiritual Letter 154" (www.SpiritualLetter154.homestead.com)
An E-mail which "We" have given the Same Brief Title, that is, the Same Brief Title that "We" gave to Page 1 & 2,
Same Brief Title For Spiritual Letter 154
"God Was Determined" To Create Man And Woman As "Human", That Is, As "The Earthen Pot" That Is NOW Hidden Within The "Brass Vessel", Not As Just "The Brass Vessel", That Is Now Hiding The "Earthen Pot", All of Which Is NOW The Current "Form, State, and Life" Of All of My Children, But To Your Peril
But an E-mail which "We" have also given the following "New Longer Title"
[Note: These "New Longer Titles" for "Pages 3, 4, and 5" are Different From the "Longer Title" given for Both "Pages 1 and 2", So Please Read Them, My Dearest Loving Children". That is, with "Us" providing My Children with a "New Longer Title" for Each New Page of Spiritual Letter 154 to better reflect all of the wonderful Wisdom Points hidden by His Holiness within Chapter 17, that is, within "The Earthen Pot and The Brass Vessel", both of which in truth "Is You" Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen]
New Longer Title For Spiritual Letter 154
To Read The "New Longer Title" For Pages 03, 04, & 05
============================================================== Introduction - to Chapter 17
Opening Greetings - heart to heart, if you like
Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.
Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children. May God help all of My Children. May God be pleased with all of My Children. Amen.
Bawa. My love you, all of My dearest loving Grand Children, Sons and Daughters, Brothers and Sisters, and all of My Children - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.
About Spiritual Letter 154 - a "True Love Letter" from the heart of this child, if you like, that is, from the heart of Our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), if you like, in whom "We are well pleased", to all of My Children, if you like, in whom "We are well Pleased". Amen
Bawa. Here is "Page 3. 4, and 5" of the E-mail Version of "Some" of the material in a "Beautiful Review" of Chapter 17, "The Earthen Pot and the Brass Vessel" (www.SpiritualBook002Chap17.homestead.com), from the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom" (www.ThePearlOfWisdom.homestead.com), by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), for your reading and hopefully for your sharing enjoyment. Pages 3, 4, and 5 give you the "Text Only" Version of the "Expanded Version" of Chapter 17.
Bawa. Please Click HERE to read an On-line Version of "All" of this "Beautiful Review" of Chapter 17, if you like. Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen.
Bawa. With "Page 1 of 5", which was already sent to you, "We" gave you a beautiful "Outline" of the "Expanded Version" of Spiritual Letter 154, along with a "Brief Summary" of each "Outline Topic".
Bawa. And with "Page 2 of 5", which was already sent to you, "We" gave you a Copy of the "Original Version" of Chapter 17, by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), all of which follows this "Introduction".
Bawa. And Now with this Page of Spiritual Letter 154, that is, with "Pages 3, 4, & 5" of Spiritual Letter 154, "We" provide you with a Copy of the "Expanded Version - Only" of Chapter 17, by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), that is, the "Expanded Version" of Chapter 17 But Without The "Outline" and "Topic Summaries" by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), all hopefully for your reading and sharing enjoyment. If you like Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen
Bawa. To read a Copy of the "Expanded Version" But With the "Outline" and "Topic Summaries" by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), Either Click HERE, as Part Of the On-line Version of "Spiritual Letter 154" (www.SpiritualLetter154. homestead.com), Or Click HERE as Part Of the On-line Version of "Chapter 17" (www.SpiritualBook002Chap17.homestead.com)
============================================================= "Text Only" Version - of the "Expanded Version" of Chapter 17
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen teaches His Children: Guru:
Son, it is a very rare wonder for a man to be born wise.
The Formless Lord, the Faultless King, the Greatest Creator, The Primordial, Compassionate One, the Effulgence that governs the several universes,
That Formless Ruler Was Determined, To Create Man And Woman As Human.
To Do This, that is, to Create Man and Woman as Human,
God Replaced Darkness With Grace, (Which is Replacing "our faith" or "our belief in God" with Iman or God's Faith and Belief in God) And God Converted The Four Purest Essences Of Duty, Charity, Generosity, And Patience Into The Four Elements, (Which is Jesus [A.S.] as The Crystal Heart or God's 6th level of wisdom) And With God's Grace Of Light God Made Bliss of The "Earth World" or Maya (Which is Muhammad [Sal.] as The Kingdom of God or God's 7th level of wisdom) And Made The Incomparable Breath (Which is God breathing Out & Then In, Or God Telling His Story) ) The Temple Of The Kings Grace (Which is True Man as The Story of God, That is, As The Story of "God within True Man", Hidden Within The Story of "True Man within God", Both Making Up God's One Story, The Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man")
To truly become God's Slave you must perform your duties conscientiously, with kindness and pleasure.
You must forget the world of joyful illusion, and be determined to live accepting God as the One and the Only One.
With words of grace, and with eyes and mouth full of smiling happiness, "The Child" is advised by God at length, upon coming into the world,
"O Son, Listen. You are going to leave this world of the devas (spiritual world of souls, and the world of your mother's womb)" and you are about to enter "The land of trick and illusion, or "Mayaa-Jaalam" (city of magic), or "Mamakaram" (city of possessiveness) , in the country of self-destructive possessive people".
Be there in your "Mother's Womb". Be cautious and dumb in your "Mother's Womb" for ten months, according to God's bidding. In this way, be in protective custody. There you will learn the heavenly bliss and the tricks of mesmerism.
There will be dirt everywhere. Wherever you look, you will see hell. What can be said of the dark-roomed prison?
My Son, take care and escape.
Thereafter, after you leave your "Mother's Womb", having stayed there for ten months, you will Next See the town of which I mentioned earlier, that is, you will see,
The Land Of Trick And Illusion, Or "Mayaa-Jaalam" (City Of Magic), Or "Mamakaram" (City Of Possessiveness) , In The Country Of Self-Destructive Possessive People"
Here you will also live for ten months learning the novelties of the place, of this place called the "Earth World", which is the place where you came after leaving your "Mother's Womb", that is, this "Earth World" where in truth, as "We" told you at the beginning of "Chapter 01", which is called "Signs of Spiritual Significance" (www.ThePearlOfWisdomChap01.homestead.com) to this beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom" (www.ThePearlOfWisdom.homestead.com),
O Guru Swami, what is the "Earth World"? Explain it to me.
O My Eyes, the "Earth World" is folly. It is a woman called desire. That is the "Earth World". Everything appearing on this "Earth World" is Maya or Illusion. Women are the four religions. Religious Scriptures are the attachments of all Creation. Gold is a creator of mischief.
There are seventy three groups mixed with all human lives, entering the nerve, the skin, and the flesh, as four kinds of "Destructive Women".
In this way, My Dearest Loving Children, Use the "Magic of Silence" in this mesmerizing self-destructive city full of many secrets, all of which you must master within the ten month period that you will be staying there, just like the ten month period before when you stayed in your "Mother's Womb", before coming to this "Earth World".
In this pleasurable city of "Mamakaram (City of Possessiveness) you will find "Manu-neesan" (man-the-low, or non-human, or man-beast) eating with joy the fruit of the "Eddi" tree (the tree of poison) to his heart's content, and having poisoned himself this, he stays in the jungle of poisonous garden with the poison tormenting his entire body, and weakening him until he is withered with a dried-up tongue which oozes out blue saliva. His shrinking bowels send out a foul odor.
This "Earth World" is the "World of hell", which in truth is Now "Heaven for the satan", My Dearest Loving Children, Please know it Now, and Start to Act Accordingly, that is, Start to learn what you came here to learn, and then escape, while you still can, that is, before you die to the flesh in your current state of "separate from", and you get an eternal life within you "separate from". Amen. Ok?
Do Not Try To Live Here, in this "Earth World", because this is not a "Place to live", it is a School, it is the First of God's Schools within you, the School of Contrast within you, which needs to be opened as such within you, that is, within the "Earth World" within you, as the Crystal Heart hidden within the "place of birth" within you, as the "Body of Truth" hidden within the "body of falsehood" within you, is the "Child of Light" hidden within the "child of darkness" within you..
The Next Place within you is a "Place to live", which is the "School of Light', which is the Next School of God within you, all of which is the Kingdom of God within you, where you will live for eternity Either as True Man within God, Or as "the satan" within True Man, and if while you are still Here in this "Earth World" you truly pick True Man within God within you, over "the satan" within you, then You will become,
"The Place Were Everyone Will Come, To Greet God, And Dwell In His Kingdom"
That is, if while you are still living in the "Earth World" you truly Join in Partnersdhip with God, First on the "outside" of you as your Guru/Shaikh/God, as the Three within the One, and then within you, as True Man within God, as the One within the Three, that is, First as the "Shepherd and The Tree, to learn about what is "Separating you from God", and then having learned this, to then Join as "One with" God within you, to "separate from you" everything that is Now "Separating God" from God within you. That would be good.
[Note: See Chapter 2, "The Shepherd and The Tree" in the beautiful book of wisdom, "A Mystical Journey" (www.AMysticalJourney.homestead.com), by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and Now by His Children, if you like, to read more on these wisdom points. Enjoy. Thank you. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen]
But My Son, all of the "Creation of Man" is "Ten and Ten", that is, First, Ten months in your "Mother's Womb", and then Ten months in the "Earth World, making a Total of Twenty months.
In this way, having been Silent in your "Mother's Womb" for Ten months, you must Continue to be Silent in the "Earth World", absorbing the Inner Secret, that "God and Man" are One, and that "Man and God" are One, which must Either continue to remain a Secret within you, if you like, Or you must "Become That Secret", which is "True Man within God" within you, if you like, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do, allowing Everyone and Everything Now within You as "True Man within God" to "Return to God", as "God within True Man", from which Everyone and Everything has come. Amen. Ok?.
In this way, allowing God within you to,
"Make the One who is Speaking, Silent, and the One who is Silent, Speak". That would be good.
For in truth the "Silent Zikr" Is God Speaking, Within One Who Has Learned. "How To Be Truly Silent".
That Is, Within One Who Has Learned, "How Not To Be There, So God Can Be There". Amen. Ok?
Only then, Only when man joins in Partnership with God, as "One with" God, to Close Down the World of demons, jinns, and fairies, and Re-Open the "World of souls", or at least to Truly Start to, before man dies to the flesh, will man in this world "Become Human", all of which in truth means, for man "To Become God", First at the 6th Level of Wisdom, then at the 7th Level of Wisdom, and then as True Man within God, and finally, as God within True Man.
Please do it like this, My Dearest Loving Children, while you still can. Please give it a try.
For in truth, only when man joins in Partnership with God, in his own lifetime, to let God "Have His Way With You", will man become truly successful in his lifetime.
For example, only when man joins in Partnership with God, in his own lifetime, To Let God Do The Following To Him, that is, to God within God within him, or at least To Truly Start to, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, will man become truly successful in his own lifetime, that is, to let God,
"Make the One who is Speaking, Silent, and the One who is Silent, Speak". That would be good.
For in truth the "Silent Zikr" Is God Speaking, Within One Who Has Learned. "How To Be Truly Silent".
That Is, Within One Who Has Learned, "How Not To Be There, So God Can Be There". Amen. Ok?
For in truth, without doing this, without "Becoming God", or at least truly Starting to, in your own lifetime, before you die to the flesh, it is impossible for "Man the Human" to live here, that is, to live in this "Earth World" of Maya, that is, to live in this world of illusory pleasures, that is, to live in this land of trick and illusion, to live in this City of Magic (Mayaa-Jaalam), in this City of Possessiveness (Mamakaram), in the Country of Self-destructive possessive people, it is impossible.
Because in such a world, that is, in a world such as this "Earth World" that all of My Children Now inhabit, in this country of Self-destructive possessive people, there will be millions and millions (crores) of qualities which literally defy description and that make it impossible for "Man-the-Human" or "Man-the-Divine" or Manu-eesan, to live there, and that is for sure.
In this "Earth World", in this world of illusory pleasures, "Man-the-Human" cannot bear it, and cannot see. And in this "Earth World" there will be those who loiter there dangerously with no self-control from which you must try to escape cautiously.
Please Know This Now, My Dearest Loving Children, and Start to Act Accordingly, that is, Learn How to Escape from this "Earth World", and How To Escape from "Such People", by Learn How To Do This "One Thing" from One who Has Already Learned How To Do This "One Thing", And Who Learned It From "Us", that is, Who Learned How To Escape, and who Learned It From "Us" when "We" were still living in the world.
For as "We" told all of My Children the Following, when "We" were living in the world as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and as "We" are Now Again telling all of My Children, with "Us" Now living in the world as Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),
"If you have a Mind, Try to Understand, If you have Wisdom, Escape"
I shall tell you about some of the ways that man moves about on earth, that is, that man moves about in the "Earth World", which is where all of My Children Now inhabit.
I will give you something to be sold for a week at the market place of disheveled heads in the self-destructive country of possessive people, and that is the "Earthen Pot", the "Earthen Pot" that in truth is Now hidden within the "Brass Vessel" that each of My Children have Now become, whether you know it or not, and even whether you like or want it or not, because that is what you have Now become, because of your parents rolling around like snakes on a bed, that is what "They Gave You', as the result of their rolling around together like snakes on a bed, for in truth they have given you themselves, and you have Now "become them", you have Now become "your parents", with your mother teaching you about your body, and your father teaching you about the "Earth World".
But this "Brass Vessel", this "Enemy of the soul", this "form of the satan" in truth is like the "artificial peach tree" that has been made to grow on the "original root" of the apple tree, because the apple tree root is both "deep and strong", allowing the apple tree to grow large and bear many apples, while the peach tree root is "short and weak", preventing the farmer to grow large peach trees which bear many peaches.
And the Solution to the Farmers Problem is Simple, Start with an apple tree, and then once the apple tree Starts to grow, then "Prune it back" and then "Graft onto it" many "peach tree shoots", which then grow and become a large peach trees that bears many peaches. And this is exactly what they do in the world, to grow large peach trees with many fruits.
And in truth My Dearest Loving Children, this is "Your True Story", this is what has happened to you, to each of My Children, Originally you came from your "Mother's Womb" as "My Tree", that is, as "My Root" and "My Tree", for "My Purpose", for in truth "You" are the "Presence of God", and "You" are the "Intention of God", and "You" are the "Story of God", and you came into this "Earth World" to grow and become the "Tree of Me", and bear "My Fruits", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, but "your parents have cut away from the "Root of Me" Everything of the "Original Tree of Me" that you came into the "Earth World" As, that is, Everything that "We" Intended that "You Become", and Instead "your parents" grafted "shoots of themselves" onto "My Root", for "there purpose", not for "My Purpose", with you then becoming "their presence", not "My Presence", and "their intention", not "My Intention", and "their story", not "My Story".
And this is what has Now happened to all of My Children, for in truth, instead of "Becoming Me", you have "become your parents".
And in this way, My Dearest Loving Children, instead of "Becoming My Slave", and Doing "My Work" in the "Earth World, you have become "your parents slave", and Do "their work" in the "Earth World", that is, because of "their trickery", because of "their magic", because of "their possessiveness", Now you "Do their work" of "separation and differences", their work of "selfishness" in the world, Rather than "You" Doing "My Work" of "Oneness With", and "My Work" of "Selfless Duty, Charity, Generosity, and Patience" in the world.
This is what has truly happened to "All of My Children", you have become "satan's children" Rather than "God's Children", and if you don't join with "Me" to "Fix This Problem", this problem which is Now "you", not what "you do", realizing that "The Only Solution" is for you to join as "One with" Me to "Become Me", then you will have to spend eternity as "satan's child" eternally separated from "Me" within you.
That is, if you Don't "Fix This Problem" of apparent or illusory "separation from" Me Using "Me", then as the "children of the satan", in the End, after you die to the flesh, then you will have to go to where "We" send "the satan" in the End, which is to "his hell", because in truth this "Earth World" is Now "his heaven", for in truth hell is where "the satan" Next Goes.
So Please Choose Correctly, Please Choose "Me" over "the satan", and "We" will do Everything Else necessary for you to Again Become "God's Children", and Please Do It Now, because you can only "Make This Choice" Here and Now, this Choice of Either God Or "the satan", that is, before you die to the flesh, that is, before the illusory "outside" of you is over. Please Do this "Hearts Work" Now. That would be good. Ok?
Because Still the Original of You, the "Root of You", is "Me", which in truth is the "Tree of God", that came into the "Earth World" from your "Mother's Womb" to bear the "Fruits of God", and Reveal the "Sweet Taste of that Fruit", So in the End, God would come and Harvest You, that is, Harvest Himself, from this "Earth World" and take "You" as Him back with Him, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you.
With God Harvesting you First as the Crystal Heart, or "Palace of Pearls", that is, First as the House of Wisdom, as the House of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), and then as the Kingdom of God, as the "Form of the Soul", allowing your soul to Continuously Commune with God, talking all of its Nourishment, its Wisdom, its Life, directly from God.
Please Know This Now, without the slightest doubt, My Dearest Loving Children, and Start To Act Accordingly. Start To Act As "Me", and Stop acting as "your parents", Stop acting as "the satan". Amen. Ok?
I will give you something to be sold for a week at the market place of disheveled heads in the self-destructive country of possessive people, and that is the "Earthen Pot", the "Earthen Pot" that in truth is Now hidden within the "Brass Vessel" that each of My Children have Now become, all of which in truth is like the "apple tree" that is hidden within the "apple seed" that is buried within the earth.
So you can Either "Stay as you are", that is, as the "Brass Vessel", which in truth is you Now as "your parents", is Now you as the "Enemy of the soul", all of which is Now you as the "form of the satan" within you, and try to sell that in the market place for a week, all of which is a life of "separation and differences", a life of "selfishness and sin".
Or you can Join in Partnership with God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, to Become "The Earthen Pot", and try to sell that in the market place for a week, all of which in truth is the "Crystal Heart", or the "Palace of Pearls", or the House of Wisdom, that is, the House of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be please with Him), all which in truth is "You" as the "Form of God" within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do. Amen. Ok?
And if you Choose to Sell the "Earthen Pot", which in truth is the life of a "True Human Being", Rather than the life of "the satan", which is the "Brass Vessel", then let "Us" advise you a little further.
That is, Do not lose the "Earthen Pot" or waste the money realized from the sale of the "Earthen Pot", that is, as you try to sell the True Existence, Life, and Fellowship of the "Earthen Pot", which in truth is the Next Existence, Life, and Fellowship for all of My Children, if you like, that is, the Next Stop of "God's Train of Truth", which is the "Crystal Heart", for all of My Children, if you like, that is, to sell the True Existence, Life, and Fellowship of the "Earthen Pot" Over the false existence, life, and fellowship of the "Brass Vessel" to My Children, which in truth is the "current" existence, life, and fellowship" of all of My Children, that is, the Current Stop of "God's Train", which is the "Earth World", but to your peril.
And if you Choose to First Become, and then Try to Sell this "Earthen Pot" of True Existence, Life, and Fellowship to My Children, then you must market it for a week, and sell it Yourself, and bring the profit to "Me", as this child is Now doing..
And if you gain a Profit from this Sale, which is getting at least "One of My Children" to "switch sides", that is, to Truly Choose "Me" Over "the satan", to Truly Become the "Earthen Pot" rather than the "Brass Vessel", then you will be able to stay with "Me" in a Palace, in the "Palace of Pearls" for several weeks.
But be warned ahead of time, before you Take Up The Challenge, that it is very rare to attain this magnificent palace, this "Palace of Pearls". And it is also very rare for a person in the "Earth Word", in the City of Magic, the City of Possessiveness, in the Country of Self-destructive Possessive People, to every enter this Palace, this "Palace of Pearls".
Listen, I shall tell you.
It is customary for "Me" to give "One of Two Things" to those who visit this "Earth World", that is, this City of Magic (Mayaa-Jaalam), this City of Possessiveness (Mamakaram), in the Country of Self-destructive Possessive People. One is the "Earthen Pot" and the other is the "Brass Vessel".
First, at the time of the Creation of the soul (atma) these two things are shown, and the soul is asked at that time,
"Which of these do you want? You are free to accept what you like"
And the soul replies,
"O Father, My God, What are the attributes of these two? Please teach me, O Father"
Thus the soul inquires from God.
Listen. He says:
Those who choose the "Earthen Pot", and go to the Country of Self-destructive Possessive People, will be without food for the stomach, will be without clothes to wear, and will be without water to quench their thirst. They will have no house, no dwelling place, and no abode to live. They will get wet in the rain and scorched in the sun. They will wonder about in the market place of the Country of Self-destructive Possessive People, senseless, with fatigue and exhaustion.
The inhabitants of the City of Possessiveness (Mamakaram) in the City of Self-destructive People will dance carrying symbols of the City of Mamakaram thinking that all that glitters is gold. They do not like those who Choose the "Earthen Pot", which they think is not worth a cent. They treat gold like sand, dispel duty, and destroy virtue.
They say,
"Your "Earthen Pot" will break if you put it down. It will break if it falls down accidentally. It will get shattered into pieces and become pulp if a stone strikes it".
The person who carries the "Earthen Pot" will undergo misery, be abused, and go to unnatural places. You will stand with your mouth shut and fold your hands. You will shed copious tears and your heart will weep. You will wander at this confusion worse confounded.
But even at this stage, you must guard your pot very carefully. If you crack it, you will see the seventh house.
Swami, O Guru, what is the meaning of the seventh house? Where is it. Please explain it to me.
O Son, I have not finished "My" story, but I shall answer your question. Listen, Son. It is said that there are "seven hells". It is the "seven hells" which are intermingled within us. These "seven hells" are the seven evil qualities of desire for land, desire for women, desire for gold, arrogance, anger, "mine and "yours". They are known as the seven hells or "abans".
These seven hells harm the "borrowed house" of man. If in his lifetime man can conquer and win victory over these seven evil qualities of "the satan" through his "Human Qualities" of God, He will gain the Eight Heavens.
My Son, I shall tell you a subtle way to overcome the seven hells, that is, by become a "True Man", by becoming a "True Human Being", that is, by joining in Partnership with God within you to support what "God is Already Doing" within you, with what is "Within God" within you, which is Revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you.
And in this way, with you Now Joined as "One with" God within you to overcome what your own mind and body Now think they are doing, on the illusory "outside" of you, which is to continue to live a life of "separation and differences", of "selfishness and sin", a life of Arrogance, Karma, and Illusion, a life lived as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".
My Son, I shall tell you a subtle way to overcome the seven hells, that is, by become a "True Man", by becoming a "True Human Being", that is, by joining in Partnership with God within you to support what "God is Already Doing" within you, with what is "Within God" within you, which is Revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you.
And in this way, with you Now Joined as "One with" God within you to overcome what your own mind and body Now think they are doing, on the illusory "outside" of you, which is to continue to live a life of "separation and differences", of "selfishness and sin", a life of Arrogance, Karma, and Illusion, a life lived as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which in truth is "Just Not True". Amen. Ok?.
For example, there is a big pond, but it is always being destroyed, or overrun, by the rain water that naturally flows into it, during a heavy rain, and the pond cannot consistently and dependably provide water for the lives that are trying to live around it safely.
What the pond needs is a "bund", or an artificial wall around the pond, that will protect the lives in and around the pond from the heavy rain waters, keeping within the pond the water that is needed, but letting out of the pond when needed the excess rain water that gushes into the pond, which can end up overflowing, and destroying the usefulness of the pond unless it is controlled wisely.
And if you want to build such a "bund" for a pond, to protect the pond from being destroy, you must first estimate the quality of water in the pond, and the amount of rain water what will flow into the pond during a heavy rain. These estimates must be done before the "bund" is built.
Do you understand what I say?
No Swami, Please explain it to me.
O Son, listen Now.
The "Life of a True Man" is like a "Heavy Rainfall" which creates "A Pond" and at the same time "Creates The Opportunity" for True Man, if you like, to Become or "Do God's Selfless Duty", by providing the water from the "Pond" in a safe and measured way, that is, by building an appropriate "Bund" for the "Pond", which is an artificial mound of earth around the "Pond", which allows "The Pond" to take in and let out excess water safely, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God that live around, in, and near "The Pond".
"The "Pond" in this analogy is the "Sharpness of True Man's Intellect and is Initially created and periodically threatened by the accumulation of the "Heavy Rainfall" is some "Low lying Area", which in truth is man's life in the "Earth World", also "The Pond" is made out of the 4 elements of earth, water, fire, and air, with the earth bearing the burden of the other three, that is, of the water, fire, and air.
And "The Bund" in this analogy is God's Qualities, like Patience and Forbearance. The One who has these qualities is the "True Man" who will try to overcome the seven evils, or seven hells, of the borrowed house. At this stage all of the rains of the world will fall on him and rush towards him, calling out to the believers of the Primal One,
"Who do you think you are?"
Those torrents of water will attack him, hit him, break him, and in this way, try to destroy the "Bund" of "His Pond", of "His True Life", all of which in truth are the "Qualities of God".
And the seven evils (abans) of man are the waves of water in his life, coming as the thoughts of man's mind and the desires of man's body, which constantly wage war with the devotees. We must trample the seven evils (abans), and trample them with our feet.
Also, God has helped man in this effort in the following way, as "We" shared with My Children at the beginning of Chapter 17, "The Earthen Pot and The Brass Vessel",
That is, God was determined to create man and woman as Human, that is, God was determined to create man and woman as a "Successful Pond and Bund", as a "True Marriage", that is, as a "Successful Joning" as "One" of Ones "Intellect and Body", in order to produce a Safe and Useful "Pond of Truth" or "Ocean of 'Ilm" or "Ocean of Divine Knowledge" for all of the ICreation of God, within God within you.
So each of the Creation of God can make their way back into God, from which all of the Creation of God have come, and that is for sure, since in truth "There Is Nothing Other Than God", that is, So in the End, "No Child Is Left Behind", So in the End, there is Nothing Still "Separating God" from God. Amen. Ok?
So in creating man and woman,
God Replaced Darkness With Grace, (Which is Iman or God's Belief in God) And God Converted The Four Purest Essences Of Duty, Charity, Generosity, And Patience Into The Four Elements, (Which is Jesus [A.S.] as The Crystal Heart or God's 6th level of wisdom) And With God's Grace Of Light God Made Bliss of The "Earth World" or Maya (Which is Muhammad [Sal.] as The Kingdom of God or God's 7th level of wisdom) And Made The Incomparable Breath (God breathing Out & Then In, Which is God Telling His Story, The Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man") The Temple Of The Kings Grace (All of which in truth Is True Man as The Story of God, That is, As the Story of "God within True Man", Hidden Within The Story of "True Man within God", Both Making Up God's One Story, The Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man")
And from another perspective, the "Bund" of the "Pond" is the virtuous wife of a married man, or God's Qualities of patience and calmness in the life of One "Surrendered to the Will of Allah", Qualities which will tolerate the gushing waters in ones life, that is, gushing waters coming to the "Pond", to the "Sharpness of his Intellect", as his worldly thoughts and desires, Qualities which are the "Bund" of the "Pond" which will not permit ones thoughts and desires to rise up in excess in ones life, and destroy him, that is, destroy his ability to truly do "God's Selfless Duty" for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do..
In this way, the "Sharpness of Intellect" which is the "Pond" of ones life, must be equal to the Qualities of ones life, which is the "Bund, in order for one to truly live as a "True Man", or as the "Earthen Pot", for the benefit of the Creation of God, within God within you..
Such a woman in a man's life is called a "Letchimi" or a Goddess of Prosperity, In the Hindu tradition, and is recognized as the Qualities of God in the Christian and Islamic tradition.
In this way, the True Woman's or "Bund's destined True Husband is the "Pond" or the "Sharpness of Intellect. Such is the "True Husband and Wife" in all marriages, that is, the "Sharpness of Intellect" joined as "One with" with the Qualities of God, a "True Marriage" between the Qualities & Actions or Duty of God that the "false marriage" between two "separate people" is always trying to destroy.
In this way, the "Rain Water" or "The 7 Hells" or "Excessive thoughts and desires" in ones life will always attempt to destroy the "Bund" of your "Pond", that is, will always attempt to destroy the "Qualities of God" destined as the "True Wife" of your "True Husband", that is, to destroy the "Qualities of God" destined as the "True Wife" of the "Sharpness of your Intellect", by always keeping you "separate from" God, that is, by always keeping your faith and trust focused on the "Earth World", all of which in truth is but an illusory world of "separation and differences", of "selfishness" or sin, seen on the "outside" of you.
Rather than focused on God within you, and on what is "Within God" within you, and on what "God is Now Doing" with what is "Within God" within you, which is Revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child is Now doing.
And in this way, all of My Children mistakenly keeping focused on maintaining yourself as "a person", and as a "false fellowship" of "like minded people" who talk and talk and talk about everyone and everything, including talking about God, but never truly joining in Partnership with God within you, that is, never truly becoming "One with" God within you, to literally let God "Become God" within you.
Rather than "you" Correctly focused on "What God Is Doing" within you, with what is Now "Within God" within you, which is God Revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do. Amen. Ok?
In this way, if a man is to become a "True Man", he must build a "bund" of patience and calmness for his "pond", and to do this, the "Sharpness of his Intellect" must be equal to the task, that is, must be equal to this "bund" for his "pond", to these Qualities of God for his life.
And in this way, his intellect or consciousness, which is his "Pond", and his qualities which is his body or Creation or his "Bund", must be able to overcome the waves of misery and afflictions, which is his evil tendencies inherent in his life in the "Earth World", all of which will repeatedly try to overpower him like the rain water flooding into the pond.
But if his faith and trust in God within him is strong, and if he so conducts his life with God's Qualities or his "Bund" of patience and forbearance joined as "One with" his "Sharpness of Intellect" or his "Pond" then he will triumph over the seven evils (abans) inherent in his life in the world.
He is the real male. Know this My Son, Gem of My Eyes.
My Son, I shall tell you a subtle way to overcome the seven hells.
There is a big pond. If you want to build a bund for this pond you must estimate the quality of water in the pond. You must also estimate the amount of rain water that falls into the pond. These estimates must be done before the bund could be built.
Do you understand what I say?
No Swami, Please explain it to me.
O Son, listen Now.
The life of a true man is like a heavy rainfall. The pond is the sharpness of his intellect. The bund is patience and forbearance. The one who has these qualities is the true man who will try to overcome the seven hells of the borrowed house. At this stage all of the rains of the world will fall on him and rush towards him, calling out to the believers of the Primal One,
"Who do you think you are?"
These torrents of water will attack him, hit him, break him, and try to destroy the bund.
And the seven evils (abans) of man are the waves of water which will constantly wage war with the devotees. We must trample the seven evils (abans), and trample them with our feet.
The bund of the pond is the virtuous wife of a married man who with her patience and calmness will tolerate the gushing waters of the pond and not permit the waves to rise.
Such a women is a "Letchimi" of the world (Goddess of Prosperity). Her destined husband is the pond. The rain water will attempt to destroy the bund swelling up the miseries of the world.
Mindful of these dangers she is like the bund using her patience and calmness to prevent the waters from rising high. She is the virtuous wife. Married life is said to be great, to voice one opinion. You must realize this.
In the same way, if a man is to become a true man, he must build a bund of patience and calmness. His sharpness of intellect must be equal to the bund. His intellect and his body must be able to overcome the waves of misery and afflictions that will try to overpower him like the rain in the pond.
If he so conducts his life he will triumph over the seven evils (abans). He is the real male. Know this My Son, Gem of My Eyes.
My Son, I shall tell you a subtle way to overcome the seven hells, that is, by becoming a "True Man", by becoming a "True Human Being", that is, by you becoming the "Earthen Pot" for your age and for all life, by you Choosing the "Earthen Pot" Over the "Brass Vessel" for your age and for all life, that is, by you joining in Partnership with God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you to support what "God is Already Doing" within you, with what is "Within God" within you, which is Revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you.
And in this way, The duty of the person who Chooses the "Earthen Pot" in the "Earth World", which in truth is Now the Current "State, Form, and Life" of Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Pleased", which is truth is Now the "Form of God" for your age and for all life, Over The 'Brass Vessel" in the Earth World, which in truth is Now the Current "state, form, and life", of all of My Children, which in truth is Now the "form of the satan" for your age and for all life, is to keep it unbroken and safe for one week.
He has to sell it, this "Earthen Pot", this "Form of God", at the market place in the "City of Magic" (Mayaa-Jaalam), that is, in the City of Possessiveness (Mamakaram), in the "Country of Self-destructive Possessive People", and bring to "Me" every cent of the sale.
Then he can stay with "Me", his God, in this place called the "Palace of Pearls" for several thousands of years.
He will have to stay only one week in the "Country of Self-destructive Possessive People" but with "Me" he can spend countless weeks. Be mindful of this
The "Special Qualities" of the "Earthen Pot" are poverty, illness, difficulties, sorrow, and lack of pleasure.
However, whoever willingly and freely takes on this "Earthen Pot" for a week will experience "My Qualities" of Charity, Compassion, Generosity, Virtue, Truth, Patience, Duty, Justice, Human Qualities, and Fear of God.
Also, Such a One will experience thoughts of death, softness of heart, flood of Compassion, and the Fear of Allahu-ta-aalaa, the Blissful One. Your Kindness will not deviate from your Words even an iota day-in and day-out. Your heart will be full of Kindness with every increasing Joy. You will find happiness even amidst sorrow. People will praise you and celebrate your glory. You will take your place in the "Palace of Pearls" (Manimadam).
Those who listen to these words intensely, and with clarity, will become pure of soul, and say to God,
"O God, when I hear there words, I become frightened.
When I hear of the "City of Magic" (Mayaa-Jaalam), that is, the City of Possessiveness (Mamakaram), in the "Country of Self-destructive Possessive People" my head trembles.
Lord, I do not want this. Nor do I want this pot. O King, O God of Compassion, Gem of My Eyes, place Your Compassionate foot on my head. This alone is sufficient. Give me only that".
So God places His Holy Foot on the Shining Head. This is "Awwal" (the writing on the Tablet).
Those who receive this will exceed in love, experience supreme bliss, overflow with happiness, with the lamp of light in his heart, which will illuminate everywhere with effulgence. He will glitter as the exalted, "Swamiyar" commanding praise, dignity, respect and compassion.
My Dearest Loving Children, This is the writing of the "Awwal" or "Of Creation", which each man receives as the "True Destiny of his soul", if you like, as written on your head by God, that is, if you Now Choose "To Accept" the "Earthen Pot" as "Who you are", as "Where you are", and as "What is truly happening" in you life, that is, "To Accept" the "Earthen Pot" as Now your "Next Life", Here and Now, which in truth is the "Re-opened World of souls" within you, all of which in truth is the "Form of God" within you.
That is, by you Now Rejecting the "Brass Vessel" as Now as "Who you are", as "Where you are", and as "What is truly happening" in you life, that is, by you Now Rejecting your "current life", as in truth Now the "Enemy of your soul", as in truth Now the "anti-christ", as in truth Now the "form of the satan" within you, which in truth is Now the "Opened" World of demons, the World of jinns, and the World of fairies within you, all of which in truth is the "form of the satan" within you, all of which in truth is Now the current 3 section that make up your illusory body, below your neck, that is, the 3 sections below your waist, your stomach, and your chest, as Now your 'false birth", your "false death", and your "false life", all animated through the 7 openings of your "false head", all of which must Now be "Closed Down".
By you Now Joining in Partnership with God, that is, as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, to let God "Cure Himself of you", that is, to let God cure Himself of "you" living a life of "separation and differences", a life of "selfishness", of sin, on the illusory "outside" of yourself, as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True". Amen. Ok?
That is, by you Now Joining in Partnership with God, as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you as Now Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Pleased", and then within you, as Now "Us" within Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) with in you. That would be good. Amen. Ok?
In this way, those of My Children who Now Accept and Receive this "Earthen Pot" as your Next Life, Here and Now, will reach paradise, First as the "Selfless Life" of Jesus (peace be upon Him) in the "Body of Truth", which in truth is Now your awakened wisdom joined as "One with" your liberated soul, in search of the Nur, which is the Light of your wisdom, and then as "True Prayer", the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is', and then as True Man in the 5 lettered form of "Alhamd", that is, of Alif, Lam, Mim, Hay, and Dahl, which in truth is the Form of the Suratal Fatihah, and the Essence of the 28 letters that form the Mystical Body of man, all of which is Now Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) in whom "We are well Pleased". Amen. Ok?
He will become One born as Human, who lives as Human with Human Qualities, the Qualities of God, He will become One who is living as the "Pond" or the "Sharpness of his Intellect" joined with God, First on the "outside" of him, and then within him, that is, joined as "One with the Qualities and Actions of God", in order to overcome the 7 evils that naturally rise up from within this earth shirt for the soul, and yet still provide the grace, wisdom, and ilm of God for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while, for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do. Amen. Ok?
Such a person who has received the "Earthen Pot" will very, very rarely witness hell, and many who So receive the "Earthen Pot" will come to the state of "Yoga" in the Hindu tradition, or the state of "Haqiqat" in the Islamic tradition.
And some will come to the state of "Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)", Now in the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) tradition, which in truth was the "Potential" within all of My Children, that is, within all of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), that is, when "We" were still living in the world as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and is Now Again the "Potential" within all of My Children, that is, within all of the Children of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), that is, while "We" are still living in the world as Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.). Amen. Ok?
Those who Continue to Choose the "Brass Vessel" Over the "Earthen Pot", even after you come and live in the "Earth World" for a while as the "Brass Vessel", and even after you Again hear God's Advice concerning the True Nature of the "Brass Vessel" and of the "Earthen Pot", that is, that the "Brass Vessel" is the "form of the satan" in the "Earth World", is the "heaven of the satan" in the "Earth World", and that the "Earthen Pot" is the "Form of God" in the "Earth World", is the "hell of the satan" in the "Earth World, will rarely, if ever Return to God, from which Everyone and Everything has come.
For in truth, One who Continues to Choose the "Brass Vessel" Over the "Earthen Pot, even after you have been born, and raised in the "Earth World" as the "Brass Vessel", and have come to maturity in the "Earth World" as such, and even after hearing Again directly from God, about the nature of the "Earthen Pot" and the "Brass Vessel", and the difference between the Two, that is, even after hearing God Now as your True Guru/Shaikh in the "Earth World", Now as your "True Example" in the "Earth World" of One living as the "Earthen Pot", will "Reject" God's Final Advice, will "Reject" the "Earthen Pot", and Continue to enjoy life in this "Earth World" to the fullest, that is, as the "Brass Vessel", as the "form, state, and life" of "the satan", as the "heaven of the satan" in the "Earth World", and that is for sure.
May God protect all of My Children from making This False Choice Over This True Choice, with what God has given each of My Children, that is, with God having given you Both, that is, both the "Brass Vessel", which is the "person" living a life of "separation and differences", of "selfishness or sin", on the illusory "outside" of yourself, as well as the "Earthen Pot" hidden within the "Brass Vessel".
That is, the "Earthen Pot" which is the True Human living a life of Oneness and Unity, of Justice and Truth, of Compassion and Unity, First on the "outside" of you, at the foot of your Guru/Shaikh, that is, at the foot of "Your Example" of the "Earthen Pot", And then within you, as the "Palace of Pearls", as the "Palace of the soul", as the House of wisdom, as the "Presence of God", the "Word of God" made flesh, for you age and for all life. Amen. Ok?
For in truth, one who has Chosen the "Brass Vessel" Over the "Earthen Pot", which in truth is Choosing "the satan" Over God, which in truth is Choosing the "Form the satan" Over the "Form of God", which in truth is Choosing the "heaven of the satan" Over the "hell of the satan", while living in the "Earth World", enjoys this life in the "Earth World" to the fullest as the "Brass Vessel", that is, he sings, dances, enjoys the company of friends, and plays games.
But if you so Choose My Dearest Loving Children, if you so Choose to Continue to live as the 'Brass Vessel", then where is stone or rock (your faith in God)? Where is God (your house)? That is, where is your foundation, what can you Stand On in your life, that is, what will bring Stability and Security to your life, a Stability and Security that you can Count On, no Matter what happens, or comes in your life? For as Jesus (peace be upon Him) told His Children, "I am your rock" to Stand On, which is "Your Faith In God", or your "Iman" in the Islamic Tradition.
That is, where is "Your absolute faith, certitude, and determination" in God, that in truth, "There is Nothing Other Than God, You Are God", or "La illaha Ill Allahu" in the Islamic Tradition, that is, "The heart that knows that God Is One".
In this way, one who places his faith and trust in the world, making his life in the world "his stone or rock", his faith or foundation, as "his god", as his house, then he believes that all that glitters is gold, and lives the way he desires.
He transforms his impatience into wisdom, and his haste in respectful anger. He wanders where he pleases. He accepts the City of Magic (Mayaa-Jaalam), the City of Possessiveness (Mamakaram), in the Country of Self-destructive Possessive People, as his own.
He says,
Look here. The Brass is shining. By this without hesitation. It is Pure Brass. It won't break. Even if it breaks it can be mended. It won't bend. Even if it bends It can be straightened.
Look at it in the sun. See how it blinds your eyes. Look at it in the shade and see how beautiful it is! Is there any beauty anywhere else? It is not available in the market. You cannot go and come back. Its a pleasure to see it, every time. You cannot see its likes again.
Look, it is shining. There will be no repetition of this birth. These are our things, our shop with our things. This shining Brass. Nowhere have you seen a place like this market of the "Self-destructive Country". This will never be offered again Come! Come! Come with confidence and look. This is the place to feast your eye and to play. It will give you pleasure.
So saying these entrancing words, he takes away all goodness and truth, and makes it appear that impermanent things last forever. He glorifies the shining quality of "Brass".
He says,
"Look at this "Brass Vessel". I shall drop it down. If it bends Is shall straighten it. If it breaks I shall mend it. It can never be destroyed. It is flawless. It is not easily available. It will bring joy too."
But a person with wisdom and knowledge, and the person with the six levels of wisdom are not captivated by these words. The secret of the market place in the "Country of Self-destructive People" is known to the "Self-realized Man", the Secret which is "God's Story", which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", like the apple tree hidden within the apple seed buried within the earth, that in truth, "Man and God are One", that is, Man is within God, and God is within Man, that is, Man is God's Story, and God is Man's Story, and as such, "They are One".
Thus, with songs, dance, and joyous words, within the "Earth World", the soul is Again shown by God the two types of circumstances, that is, the "Form, State, and Life" of God, and the "form, state, and life" of "the satan", that is, the circumstances around the two types of vessels in the "Earth World, or the "City of Self-destructive People".
That is, allowing each soul in the "Earth World" to Either Choose the "Earthen Pot" of the Shaikh/Guru, or of "True Fellowship", that is, of "God-focused Children" who have Joined in True Partnership with God, that is, as "One with" God, So God can Finish Telling and Bringing To Completion His Story, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", but this time within you, all of which in truth is First experienced as the "Body of Truth" for the soul, allowing the soul to animate the "Re-opened World of souls", or the 7 heavens, and then, as the Kingdom of God, or the 8th heaven, allowing the soul to animate God.
Or to Choose the "Brass Vessel" of "the satan", of "self-focused people", who have joined in "false fellowship" with "like minded people" to talk, and talk, and talk about everyone and everything, including talking about God, but never to truly coming together in "True-Fellowship", as "One with" God within you, as "One with" your brothers and sisters, and as "One with" the Creation of God, within God within you, to "Become God".
And in truth, all of My Children in truth are Now Truly Choosing the "Brass Vessel" Over the "Earthen Pot", not by your words, but by "your actions", by How You Are Now Living In The World, as "separate from", which is "satan's way", Rather than as "One with", which is God's Way, and this is Now the truth of all of My Children, and that is for sure. What to do?
But the "Earthen Pot" still lies hidden within you, within each of My Children, if you like, if You So Choose, just waiting to Germinate to "Your Truth", if you like, that is, to the truth that Now lies hidden within the "Brass Vessel" that is Now you, that is Now each of My Children, that is, Germinate to "Your Truth", that in truth "You and God" are One.
So Now all of My Children Can So Choose, can Now Germinate to "Your Truth" because Only Now Can You So Choose, because Only Now Do You Have The Contrast, because Only Now "You Are The Contrast", So True Understanding of God's Advice Can Now Occur.
That is, because Only Now Can you truly Choose between the "Earthen Pot and the Brass Vessel", because Only Now have you truly become the "Brass Vessel", have you truly become "your parents", have you truly become the "Enemy of the soul", have you truly become the "anti-christ", have you truly become the "child of darkness" covering the "Child of Light", all of which in truth is Now you living as the "Shadow or the Contrast of the Guru/Shaikh".
And because Only Now are you truly sitting before the "Earthen Pot", which is the Light of God for the world, for your age and Now for all life, First as Your Dearest Loving Father Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and Now as Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Please".
So Only Now can you Make The Choice Offered to you earlier by God, First in the "World of souls", and Second in the "womb of your mother", and Now Third in the "Earth World", after you have come to maturity, after you have become "your parents", that is, the Choice between Either the "Earthen Pot" Or the "Brass Vessel", which in truth is the Choice between Either God Or "the satan".
So Now, if you like, Having Experienced The Contrast, of "you" and "Your Guru/Shaikh", that is, the Contrast of "the satan" and of God, So you can Now Make Your Choice, that is, you can Now Choose between Either the "Earthen Pot" Or the "Brass Vessel", which in truth is the Choice between Either God Or "the satan".
And based on Your Choice, you can Either Germinate to "Your Truth", Or Not, and in truth "There Is No Other Choice", just between God and "the satan",
Because in truth Everything Else that you may call "Your Choice" in truth is not really "a choice", but Rather is just "drama", that is, "the drama" of your current life of "separation and differences" in you "current life" of sin, of selfishness, and the only way to win "the drama" is "Not To Play". Period!!!
So please Choose Wisely, My Dearest Loving Children, for if you Choose Foolishly, then your life becomes like the life of the "apple seed" that Choose the life of the "apple seed" buried in the earth, as "separate from" the earth, and as "separate from" what is hidden within them, and as "separate from" the One who Created the "apple seed", Over the life of the "apple tree", as "One with", that lives hidden within the "apple seed".
And in this way, some apple seeds buried in the earth fail to Germinate to "Its Truth", in its lifetime, and instead, gradually rot and die in the earth, only to take on 105 million rebirths, but never again as an apple seed, never again as the "Story of the Apple Tree", a Story that they came to the earth, to join as "One with" the earth, to tell, if the apple seed likes, for like all people, the Choice is each apple seed's, not God's, as the Choice for each of My Children is "yours", not God's, that is, the Choice of How You Use Your Life, or not, that is, as God's Seed, revealing God's Tree, bearing God's Fruits, or not.
So Please Choose Wisely, My Dearest Loving Children, while you still can, Please Choose God Over "you", by you Now Starting to Act as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, Rather than you Continuing to Live as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".
And Please do this "Hearts Work" Now, in your lifetime, by Now joining as "One with" Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Pleased", as much as you can, whenever you can. That would be good, good for you, good for him, and good for "Us". Amen. Ok?
All those who choose the "Brass Vessel" in the "Earth World" Over the "Earthen Pot" hidden within the "Brass Vessel" will perform ten times more the many evil actions of "Self-centered", "Self-destructive", and "Possessive people" as mentioned above.
That is, those who Choose to enjoy for a week the worldly pleasures of money, property, possession, freedom, wife, child, calf, cow, house, high-stored houses, studies, employment, respect, esteem, will at the End of it find they are afflicted by deep sorrow and a ruinous hell.
There will be none even to inquire after them. The beautiful appearance of the "Shining Brass Vessel" will lead them to their fate, which in truth is an eternal life as "the satan" living in "hell of the satan", for in truth "Only the satan goes to hell", as in truth "Only God goes to heaven".
And for One who repeatedly Chooses the "Brass Vessel" Over the "Earthen Pot", No Matter what, No Mattter what God shows him to the Contrary, that in truth "Man and God are One", then in the End, your fate is an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, Not because of God's punishment for your actions, but Rather because "That Is What You Want".
For in truth,
"The Justice Of God" Is That "Whatever You Intend Is What You Will Receive"
And, Your Own Life Answers The Question, "What Do You Want?"
For At The End Of Your Life, What You End Up With, Is Exactly "What You Want". And That Is For Sure
But Son, you must realize Now without the slightest doubt, that it is very rare for anyone from the "City of Magic" (Mayaa-Jaalam), the City of Possessiveness (Mamakaram), in the Country of Self-destructive Possessive People, to reach the "Palace of Pearls" (Manimadam). It is also very rare for One to receive the exalted "Foot of the King".
The "Rare Human" who achieves this State is called "Swamiyar". And it is this "Swamiyar" who gains "True Knowledge" as "Pure Effulgence, and who Only wants to keep his head beneath God's Glorious Foot, saying to His God with each breath, with each look, with each word, with each taste, with each thought, through His Actions, not just through His Words,
"You are the One I want"
It is Only this "Rare Human" Now known as Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) who is the True "Swamiyar" Now for your age and for all life, and it is Only His "Rare Children", Now known as the Children of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), who will become the True "Swamiyar", for this age, that is, who will Learn How To fall into the "One True Swamiyar" Now for your age and for all life, in their own lifetime..
That is, it is only these "Rare Children", these Rare Children of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) who will truly join in Partnership with God, who will truly become "One with" God, for this age and for all life, First within you as Iman, as "God's Belief and Faith in God", and then on the "outside" of you as wisdom and "ilm, and who have done it while this "Rare Human", that is, while Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), is still living in the "Earth World", as the "Fire of God" Now burning in the world, as Now the "Presence of God" and the "Word of God" made flesh for your age and for all life.
Then each of My Children will become the True "Swamiyar" for your age and for all life, if you like, that is, those of My Children who have Now become His Children, who have Now truly become the Children of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), accepting Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) as such, as such Now for your age and for all life.
That is, accepting Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) as Now the "True Swamiyar" for your age and for all life, as Now in truth God taking God within you to God within you, as Now God turning God within you into God within you, allowing each of My Children as such to be "Ordained" as the One "True Swamiyar" for the "Earth World", for this age and for all life, if you like, and then, as such for the hereafter, for the Kingdom of God within you.
That is, according to your "True Birthright", your True Heritage", the "True Fate or Destiny of your Soul", that is, as Now written by God on your Head, if you like, which in truth is God's Writing "Awwal" on His Tablet, which in truth is the Next of the following 9 Names of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), which is "Awwal Muhammad ", with God Now writing this on your head, if you like.
So "You" Now become "God's Story", if you like, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", Rather than, you Continuing to be "your story", which in truth is "satan's story", which in truth is your "current story", which is the story given to you by "your parents", when you "turned away from God", when you "Forgot God", which is the "story of separation and differences", which in truth is "satan's story", all of which is Now your life as the "Brass Vessel".
That is, when each of My Children, who have Now truly become His Children, who have Now truly become the Children of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), realize without the slightest doubt, that in truth,
"God Alone Is Sufficient"
My Dearest Loving Children, to find such a person living in the "Earth World" is rare, that is, to find a True "Swamiyar", is a great rarity, because in truth "It Is You", that is, it is "You" hidden within "you", it is "Your Higher Self" hidden within "your lower self", that is, it is the "Child of Light" that is Now hidden within the "child of darkness", it is the "Earthen Pot" that is Now hidden within the "Brass Vessels"
But "you" cannot turn the "child of darkness" into the "Child of Light" any more than "you" can turn "weeds" into beautiful and fragrant "Flowers", One has to go, So the Other can come, that is, "you" have to go, So "You" can come, that is, the "Brass Vessel" has to go, So the "Earthen Pot" can come, that is, "the satan" has to go, So God can come.
And this is the Great Difficulty in the lives of all of My Children, that is, "You Don't Want To Go", "You Don't Want To End", because "your mind" is only truly afraid of "one thing", and that is "lack of existence", and you won't Now let it die, in order to see your "True Father" who is God.
That is, "You Have Forgotten Your Determination To Die, In Order To See Your Father, that is, "You Don't Want to Give Up" your "Current Life" as your "false father" in order to Be your "Next Life", which is your "True Father", which is God. Instead, you want Both, that is, you want to keep What You Now Have, and also get Now what you hear is Next,
That is, you want to keep What You Now Have, which is your "current life" of "separation and differences", your "current life" of "selfishness", of sin, and also Get God, that is, and also get your "Next Life" of "selflessness", of purity, and also get your "Next Life" of "Oneness", but "It Doesn't Work That Way", and each of My Children already know this, but your "Faith and Trust In God" is weak.
For in truth, Currently all of My Children are like a leaf floating in a stream, you go where the stream goes, but "We" have Now given you an example of Iman, of "Strong Faith and Trust In God", "We" have Now given you Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Pleased".
"We" have Now given Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) to all of My Children as an "Example of Iman", as an Example of "God's Belief in God", that is, an Example of One with Absolute Faith, Certitude, and Determination in God, that in truth Only God Exist.
That is, an Example of a Heart that Knows, that "God is One", an Example of the "Bolder In The Stream", who does not accommodate to the stream, but cause the stream to "Move Around Him".
Please know this Now, My Dearest Loving Children, without the slightest doubt, and Start to "Use Him as Such", that is, as an Example Now of what you, and all of My Children, must Now Become, So please join as "One with" Him, with Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), as much as your can, whenever you can, and Let Him Teach You What We Taught Him, that is,
How Not To Be There, So Only God Is There.
That is, How To Let God Make The One Who Is Speaking, Silent, And the One Who Is Silent, Speak.
That would be good. Amen. Ok?
In this way, My Dearest Loving Children, do you Now See the Secret Characteristics of these "Four Types of Swamis", reviewed in both Chapter 16 and Now in Chapter 17?
That is, the Secret Characteristics of the "Three False Swamis", which is "Separation From", who in truth are Now just the "Brass Vessel" that each of My Children have Now become, all of which in truth is Now just the illusory "heaven of the satan" in this "Earth World", that is, the "heaven of the satan" that has Now Caught each of My Children, all of which if not discarded before you die to the flesh, then becomes the "hell of the satan", but this time for eternity, with you then taking on an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you.
And the Secret Characteristics of the "One True Swami" for your age and for all life, which is "Oneness With", who in truth is Now Any One of My Children who has willingly and freely accept the "Earthen Pot" Over the "Brass Vessel" in this "Earth World".
And in this way, and only in this way, allowing God to place His Holy Foot on your Shining Head, and in this way, allowing God to Use your Life as "God's Tablet", allowing God to Write "Awwal Muhammad", or "His Story" on your head, and in this way, and only in this way, telling God that in truth, for you,
"God Alone Is Sufficient"
And this is what each of My Children must Now Become, if you like, which in truth is "God's Story", which in truth is the "Earthen Pot" of God, which in truth is the "hell of the satan" in this "Earth World", which in truth is your "Next Life", here and Now.
But to do this "You Must Be Done Completely" with the "Brass Vessel", which is "satan's story", which is the "heaven of the satan" in this "Earth World", which is Now which in truth the "current life" of all of My Children, that is, "You Must Be Done Completely" with your "current life" in the "Earth World", telling God, with each breath, with each look, with each word, with each taste, and with each thought,
"Thank You, O God", But No Thank You, O God, What's Next.
And to help each of My Children To Do This, that is, to Make the Transition from the "Brass Vessel" to the "Earthen Pot", in your own lifetime, "We" have Now given you Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), First on the "outside" of you and then within you, in whom "We are well Pleased", if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to "Use What We Have Now Given You", or not.
So please Choose Wisely, your eternal life depends on your Answer, that is, with you Ending Up Either as God in God's Heaven, Or as "the satan" in "the satan's hell", both of which in truth is within True Man within God within you.
And in truth there are No Other Choices, Only These Two Choices, Either God, Or "the satan", for in truth Everything else that you may Now think is a Choice, like you praying or not, or you being good or not, or you joining in "fellowship" or not, in truth is just the Drama of Your Illusory Life as the "Brass Vessel", and the Only Way To Win The Drama of your life, Is Not To Play, and the Only Way "Not To Play" The Drama of your life, which in truth is the "Brass Vessel", is to Transcend the "Brass Vessel" by becoming the "Earthen Pot".
For in truth the Only Real Choice in your life is, Are You Either of God, and of Everything God is About, which is "Oneness With", Or are you of "the satan", and of Everything that "the satan" is About, which is "separation from"
And the Truth of "Your Life" is that "You Are of God", not of "the satan", which in truth means that "You" are of the "Oneness of God and True Man", that "You" are God's Story, God's Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", allowing True Man to "Return To God", as God, and within that Story the "Oneness of True Man and the Creation of God", allowing all of God's Creation, within God within you, to "Return to True Man", as True Man, So in the End, "No Child of God Is Left Behind", So in the End, there is Nothing Still "Separating God" from God. Amen. Ok?
This is what it means to be "Of God", that in truth Everything is within You, and within That is the Essence of Everything, and within That is the Essence of God, and within That is the "Power Within The Essence of Everything", and within That is Again, Everything, just waiting to happen Again.
In the same way that within the apple seed buried within the earth is the apple tree, and within that is the apple, and within that is the sweet taste of the apple, and within that is again the apple seed, but this time a 1000 fold, all just waiting to happen Again.
This is what it means to be "Of God", not some "Super Person", as My Children still mistakenly believe, but to your peril.
So That's It Folks. So Please Join as "One with" Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), as much as you can, whenever you can, to Learn More and More About How To,
Make The Right Choice, And Avoid the Wrong Choice, Moment By Moment.
Until Only God Is There. That Would Be Good. Amen. Ok?
In this way, My Dearest Loving Children, if you like, You will become the "One True Swamiyar" for your age and for all life, the "One True Swamiyar" whose Presence is the "Presence of God", and whose Words are the "Words of God", for your age and for all life, if you like.
That is, My Dearest Loving Children, if you Step Out In This Direction, day-in and day-out, moment by moment, while you still can, So God Can Then Do Everything Else to "Make It So", that is, before you die to the flesh, and while Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) is Still Living In the World, So "You Too" truly
Become the "One True Swamiyar" For Your Age And For All Life, Whose Words Are The Great Words of Joyous Grace For Your Age And For All Life.
Know This Now My Disciples, Gems of My Eyes. And Start To Act Accordingly. Amen. Ok?
End of Spiritual Book 02 "The Pearl of Wisdom" - Chapter 17 - "The Earthen Pot and The Brass Vessel" "Text Only" Expanded Version ...............................................