Spiritual E-mail 01 For Spiritual Letter 154
(to Spiritual E-mail 01) (of Chapter 17) (of Chapter 17)
(For 5 "Spiritual E-mails")
============================================================= Introduction - to the "Spiritual E-mail 01" for Spiritual Letter 154
Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.
Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barkatuhu kulluhu. Wa -alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children. May God be pleased with all of My Children. May God help all of My Children. Amen.
Bawa. My love you, My Dearest Loving Grand Children, My Sons and Daughters, My Brothers and Sisters, and all of My Children - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.
Bawa. Here is the First of the Five Spiritual E-mails that were created as Part of developing Spiritual Letter 154, that is, "Spiritual E-mail 01", which was created as Part of sending a Copy of the On-line Version of "Spiritual Letter 154" (www.SpiritualLetter154.homestead.com) to all of My Children, that is, to My Children who are currently on the "Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen Mailing List" (www.SMMailingList.homestead.com).
Bawa. As it turns out each of these 5 New E-mails provided another and helpful perspective on Chapter 17, "The Earthen Pot and The Brass Vessel" (www.Spiritual Book002Chap17.homestead.com), from the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom" (www.ThePearlOfWisdom.homestead.com), by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.).
Bawa. Therefore, not to loose this helpful perpective "We" have made a New Web Page as the Home Page for these "5 Spiritual E-mails", that is, for accessing On-line each of these "5 New E-mails".
Bawa. And Now through that "Home Page" you can Now access this First Spiritual E-mail, that is, "Spiritual E-mail 01", as well as each of the other "4 Spiritual E-mails", that is, "Spiritual E-mail 02", "Spiritual E-mail 03", "Spiritual E-mail 04", and "Spiritual E-mail 05". Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen.
============================================================== "Spiritual E-mail 01" - For Spiritual Letter 154, which provides a beautiful "Outline" of the "Expanded Version" of Spiritual Letter 154, along with a "Brief Summary" of each "Outline Topic"
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[Note: If you would like to be removed from this mailing list, please reply to this E-mail, changing the "Subject" to read, "Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen Mailing List - Please Remove Me From Your List". And if you would like to be added to this mailing list, please click HERE to read "About the Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen Mailing List" (www.SMMailingList.homestead.com). Thank you - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)]
[Note: You can access an On-line Version of this E-mail by clicking on the following, "Spiritual Letter 154" (www.SpiritualLetter154.homestead.com)
An E-mail which "We" have given the Brief Title of,
"God Was Determined" To Create Man And Woman As "Human", That Is, As "The Earthen Pot" That Is NOW Hidden Within The "Brass Vessel", Not As Just "The Brass Vessel", That Is Now Hiding The "Earthen Pot", All of Which Is NOW The Current "Form, State, and Life" Of All of My Children, But To Your Peril
And which "We" have also given the Longer Title of,
Son, it is a very rare wonder for a man to be born wise.
The Formless Lord, the Faultless King, the Greatest Creator, The Primordial, Compassionate One, the Effulgence that governs the several universes,
That Formless Ruler Was Determined, To Create Man And Woman As Human.
And To Do This, that is, to Create Man and Woman as Human,
God Replaced Darkness With Grace, (Which is God Replacing "your faith" or "your belief in God" With Iman which is God's Faith and God's Belief in God, if you like) And God Converted The Four Purest Essences Of Duty, Charity, Generosity, And Patience Into The Four Elements, (Which is God Converting you as the "form of the satan" As "your parents", As the "Enemy of the soul", Into Jesus [A.S.] As the "Form of God", As The Crystal Heart, if you like) And With God's Grace Of Light, God Made Bliss of The "Earth World" or Maya (Which is God Revealing Muhammad [Sal.] Within Jesus (A.S.), Which Is God Revealing The Kingdom of God Within The Crystal Heart, if you like) And Made The Incomparable Breath (Which Is God Breathing Out & Then In, Which Is God Telling His Story Again, But This Time "within you", if you like) The Temple Of The Kings Grace (All of Which is True Man as The Story of God, That is, As The Story of "God within True Man", Hidden Within The Story of "True Man within God", Both Making Up God's One Story, The Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man") - M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)".
(Note: This Quotation is from the On-line "Expanded Version" of Chapter 17, "The Earthen Pot and the Brass Vessel", from the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom", by His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.). Please Click HERE (www.SpiritualBook002Chap17. homestead.com) to read Both the "Original" and the "Expanded " On-line Version of Chapter 17. And Please Click HERE to read an On-line Version of Other Chapters in this beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom" (www.ThePearlOfWisdom. homestead.com), by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.). And Please Click HERE to access the Main Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Web Site (www.bmf.org). And finally, Please Click HERE (www.Bawa.homestead.com) to access the On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library being developed by this child over the last 20 years, living at the feet of His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), if you like, which includes material by Both Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and by His Children, by His Children who in truth are Now Him, if you like, who in truth are Now Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), if you like, for in truth The Choice is Now Yours, not God, that is, the Choice of "Who You Are", the Choice of Either God Or "the satan", So Please Choose Wisely. Amen. Ok? Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen]
============================================================== Introduction - to Chapter 17
Opening Greetings - heart to heart, if you like
Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.
Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children. May God help all of My Children. May God be pleased with all of My Children. Amen.
Bawa. My love you, all of My dearest loving Grand Children, Sons and Daughters, Brothers and Sisters, and all of My Children - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.
About Spiritual Letter 154 - a "True Love Letter" from the heart of this child, if you like, that is, from the heart of Our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), if you like, in whom "We are well pleased", to all of My Children, if you like, in whom "We are well Pleased". Amen
Bawa. Here is "Page 1 of 5" of the E-mail Version of "Some" of the material in a "Beautiful Review" of Chapter 17, "The Earthen Pot and the Brass Vessel" (www.SpiritualBook002Chap17.homestead.com), from the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom" (www.ThePearlOfWisdom.homestead.com), by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), for your reading and hopefully for your sharing enjoyment.
Bawa. Please Click HERE to read an On-line Version of "All" of this "Beautiful Review" of Chapter 17, if you like. Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen.
============================================================= Outline of Chapter 17 - with a "Brief Summary" of each "Outline Topic", that is, of the "Expanded Version" of Chapter 17, of "The Earthen Pot and The Brass Vessel", by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.). Also, a Copy of the "Original Version" of Chapter 17 follows this "Outline of Chapter 17", as "Page 2 of 5", and a Copy of the "Expanded Version" of Chapter 17, by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), follows the Copy of the "Original Version" of Chapter 17, as "Pages 3, 4, & 5 of 5", all hopefully for your reading and sharing enjoyment. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen
01. God Was Determined - To Create Man And Woman As Human. So God Replaced Darkness With Grace. And God Converted The Four Purest Essences Of Duty, Charity, Generosity, And Patience Into The Four Elements. And With His Light of Grace God Made Bliss of the "Earth World" Or Maya (the world of illusory pleasures), And Made The Incomparable Breath The Temple Of The Kings Grace
02. How Do You Become God's Slave? - By Accepting God's Advice, that is, by Becoming the "Earthen Pot" that is Now hidden within the "Brass Vessel" within each of My Children, and in this way, and Only in this way, by Becoming the True "Swamiyar" Now for your age and for all life, Rather than Continuing to Be, to Live As, the "Brass Vessel" that is Now Hiding the "Earthen Pot" within you, as all of My Children are Now doing, that is, Rather than Continuing to Be, to Live As, "your parents", as the "Enemy of the soul", as the "anti-christ", that is, as "Jesus (A.S.) crucified on His Cross with His 5 Nails, all of which in truth is Now the "current form, state, and life" of all of My Children, but to your peril.
03. God's Advice to His Children - Occurs Three Times in Ones lifetime, that is, Occurs very strong in your lifetime, First, in the "World of souls", when you are about to go into your "Mother's Womb" from the "World of souls", and Second, Again in the womb of your Mother, when you are about to come into the world, that is, into the "Earth World" of trick and illusion, of "Mayaa-Jaalam" (city of magic), that is, of "Mamakaram" (city of possessiveness), in the country of self-destructive possessive people, all of which each of My Children have Now become, and Third, Now Again when you have Now become "your parents" living a life of "separation and differences", of selfishness, of sin, in the "Earth World"
04. The Nature of Your Mother' s Womb - Your mother's womb is "Where You Were" as "a baby" for 10 months, after leaving the "World of souls", and before coming into the "Earth World". And your "Mother's Womb" is where God Closed down for you the 10 openings of hell within you, and Opened Up for you the 2 Openings of God within you, and then taught you Everything. But an Everything that you could not Understand in your "Mother's Womb", because like God teaching you as "a soul" in the "World of souls", where He also taught you Everything, there was no Contrast to what you were being taught, So you could not "Get It", Either in the "World of souls" Or in your "Mother's Womb". For in truth True Understanding only occurs through Contrast, the Contrast between the "Light of God" and the "darkness of the satan", which in truth is Now the life in the "Earth World" of all of My Children, if you like, that is, if you will Only Now let your "Guru/Shaikh" on the "outside" of you be "Your Light", who is Now Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and let yourself be "His Shadow".
05. The Nature of The "Earth World" Within You - Is The "Earthen Pot" that is Now hidden within the "Brass Vessel" within you, is the "Child of Light" that is Now hidden within the "child of darkness" within you, is the "Truth of God" that is Now hidden within the "falsehood of the satan" within you, is the "Form of God" that is Now hidden within the "form of the satan" within you, is God that is Now hidden within "the satan" within you, and as Such, this is the Choice that each of My Children must Now make, before you die to the flesh, that is, the Choice between Either Starting to Let God "Have His Way with You", as His "Earthen Pot", Or to Continue to Let "the satan" have "his way with you", as his "Brass Vessel", First within you as a "demon, jinn, fairy, or ghost", that is, as the 5 elemental spirits within you, roaming the "Earth World' within you, and then on the "outside" of you, for a little while, with you Now living as "a person", that is, with you Now living a life of "separation and differences", a life of selfishness, of sin. And in truth There Is No Other Choice, Only these Two Choices, that is, Either You as God, Or you as "the satan", because in truth Everything Else you may Now think is a Choice in truth is Just Drama, the drama of "I and you", the drama of "mine and yours", and the Only Way To Win Your Drama, is "Not To Play"
06. Learn How To Escape "Into" The Crystal Heart - Before you die to the flesh, or at Least Truly Start To. That is, Learn How To Escape into the "Earthen Pot" within the "Brass Vessel" within you, from One Who Has Learned How To So Escape, before the illusory "outside" of you is over. All of which in truth is Escaping into the "Palace of Pearls", or the "Crystal Heart" hidden within the "Brass Vessel" within you, all of which in truth is the Re-Opened "World of souls", within God within you. And Please Accept the Truth that you must Now Learn How To Do This from One Who Truly Learned How To Do This From "Us", that is, From "Us" Before "We" physically Left The "Earth World" within you as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), that is, from One Who Truly Learned How To Do This, To Do This Transformation from the "Brass Vessel" within you into the "Earthen Pot" within you, while you still can, that is, into the "Earthen Pot" which in truth is the "Form of God" that was hidden by God within the "Brass Vessel" or the "form of the satan" within you.
07. The Ways That Man Moves About On Earth - Is In One of Two Way, Either as the "Brass Vessel", which in truth is as "your parents", which in truth is as the "Enemy of the soul", which in truth is as the "anti-christ", all of which in truth is as the "form of the satan" within you, Or as the "Earthen Pot", which in truth is The Qutb or The Action of God, all of which in truth is as the "Form of God" within you, all of which in truth is as Jesus (peace be upon Him), which in truth is your liberated soul joined as "One with" your awakened wisdom, in search of your Nur, which is the Light of "Your wisdom".
08. Selling Either The "Earthen Pot" Or The "Brass Vessel" - in this "Earth World" for One week, for the Choice is yours, not God's, Because in truth "You Have Both, One hidden within the Other, like the Choice of the apple seed buried within the earth, of Either the "apple seed" Or the "apple tree", Because It Has Both, One hidden within the Other. That is, the Choice of the apple seed to Either keep "Itself" selfishly as the "life of the apple seed" buried in the earth, protecting itself from being destroyed by the earth, Or as the apple seed that becomes "Peaceful with its Own Ending", Joining "selflessly" with the earth, to "Let Itself End", and in so doing, to tell and bring to Completion the Story of the "Oneness of the Apple Tree and the Apple Seed", a Story that the apple seed came to the earth, to join as "One with" the earth, to tell, if it likes.
09. What All Of My Children Are Now Doing, But To Your Peril - which is Now You Using your life for "your purpose", not "God's Purpose", that is, Is Now You Stopping God from using your life to tell and bring to Completion His Story, but this time within you, Is Now You Stopping God First because of your ignorance and Now because of your arrogance about your ignorance, Is Now You "selfishly" holding onto your "current life" of "separation and differences", refusing to "Let It End" Now, before you die to the flesh, when in truth its Ending Now, in God's Hand, will be of Great value to you, to "Us" within you, to God within "Us", and for a little while on the "outside" of you, of Great value to all of your brothers and sisters, as this child is Now doing. Amen. Ok? .
10. God's Advice About Selling Your Life In The "Earth World" - For A Week, and the Consequences of My Children doing that, both for you and for "your children", that is, God's Advice About You Selling for a week Either Your Life As The "Earthen Pot" Or Your Life As The "Brass Vessel" in this "Earth World", all of which in truth means Selling God's Advice About How One Should Live in the "Earth World", or not, that is, with you living Either as "your parents", Or with you living as Jesus (peace be upon Him), that is, with you living Either as "faith in Jesus (A.S.)" Or with you living as "The Faith of Jesus" (peace be upon Him).
11. The Life of True Man Is Like A "Pond" With A "Bund" - that is, The Life of True Man is like a "Heavy Rainfall", and this is the "Subtle Way To Overcome The 7 Hells" within you, Using God within you, that is, to overcome the 7 hells, all of which are inherent in your life, that is, all of which are Now the "current form" or "sifat" in your life, that is, all of which in truth are Now the "form of the satan" within you. That is, the life of True Man when the "Sharpness of your Intellect, which is your "Pond", Joins as "One with" God's Qualities of Patience and Forbearance, which is your "Bund", all which are hidden as the "Secret" or the "Next Form" or "Sifat" in your life. That is, are hidden as the "Form of God" within the "form of the satan" within you, if you like. That is, all of which are hidden within you as the Qualities of God which acts like an the artificial wall build around the pond, built around the "Sharpness of your Intellect", like a virtuous wife to a man, if you like. That is, in order to overcome the gushing rain waters that naturally flow into a pond from above, when it rains. And in this way, that try to destroy the pond, like the 7 hells flowing into a man's life from above, that is, from above his mind. That is, flowing in from any higher place than the pond, any higher place than his intellect, like from his mind as thoughts and from his body as desires, as his desires for maya, which in truth are his desires for the illusory pleasures of your "outside" world. But if man learns How To properly conducts his life using both the "Sharpness of his Intellect" (the pond) and his "Light Body" (the bund), which in truth are the Qualities of God hidden within the qualities of "the satan" within him, then he become True Man. Then he can truly overcome the waves of misery and afflictions that will try to overpower him, like the rain water flowing into the pond, all of which are like his thoughts and his desires for his "dark body", which in truth on the "outside" of him he sees as a woman, but which in truth is the "form of the satan" within him, which in truth are the "1001 Wells of Hell" within him, which in truth is the "place of birth" within him, which in truth are his 105 million skin pours, each of which in truth is a re-birth, just waiting to happen, if in the End, he is not wise. That is, if in the End, he has Not Become Wise, he has Not Become the "Presence of God" and the "Word of God" made flesh for his age and for all life. But if he does become truly wise in his lifetime, and for him "Only God Is There" in his life, Then he will triumph over the seven evils (abans) through his Human Qualities, and his life will be victorious. For in truth, Such a One is the "Real Male", My Dearest Loving Children, whether you Now see yourself as a man or as a women on the "outside" of you. Please Know this Now My Son, My Dearest Loving Children, Gem of My Eyes
12. The Duty & Reward of True Man In The World - that is, of the One who Chooses the "Earthen Pot" Over the "Brass Vessel" in your own lifetime. And "The Duty" of True Man is to keep the "Earthen Pot" safe and unbroken for one week in the "Earth World", and during that time to Sell this "Way of Life" of this "Earthen Pot", to all of My Children, who have Now become "His Children". That is, to Sell this "Way of Life" of the "Earthen Pot" in the "Market Place" of the world for one week, and to bring the Results of his Sales Effort to "Me" within him, that is, to his God within him. That is, bringing it to his Guru/Shaikh/God, to his Triple Flame, every cent realized from His Sales Effort. And if he does this correctly before his time in the world is over, then he will receive "His Reward", which is to then enter and take up his proper place in the "Palace of Pearls" for several thousands of years with "Me", with His God.
13. The True Nature of the "Earthen Pot" - is the "Hell of the satan" in the "Earth World" within you, that is, is the "Form of God" in the "Earth World", is the Form of One who Continues to live in the "Earth World" with Faith and Trust in God, and Only in God, even after Again hearing directly from God about the True Nature of the "Earthen Pot" and of the "Brass Vessel", and the True Consequences of Choosing One over the Other, and even after hearing Again directly from God about what each, Either the "Brass Vessel" Or the "Earthen Pot", will bring into your Life. All of which in truth is Choosing Either Me, Or "the satan" within you. And in this way, the "Earthen Pot" is the "Form, State, and Life" of God in the "Earth World", that is, of One living in the "Earth World" who Lets God write "His Story" or "Awwal" on His head, by asking God To Place His Holy Foot on his Shinning Head, saying to God at that time,
"O My God, You Alone Are Sufficient"
14. The True Creation of All Form Within You - Is "Awwal Muhammad", that is, is God writing on your heart as "His Tablet", which in truth is God telling and bringing to Completion God's Story within you, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, a Story which you have come from God, to join as "One with" the Creation of God, to tell, if you like. That is, "The True Creation of All Form" is God surrounding your soul with True Form and True Life within you, that is, with God Placing His Form and Life within you, within your "Heart, or Mind, or Room", replacing "the false creation of form" which is Now your "current life". And in this way, allowing each Creation of God to be placed by God in their respective forms within God within you, that is, as the True Form and True Life of the 6 kinds of life within you, that is, of earth-life, fire-life, water-life, air-life, ether-life, and Light Life. All of which takes shape around your soul within you, if you like. That is, with Allah creating these forms within you and then placing in each form his "trust property" within you, which in truth is His Life within these forms. All of which takes shape around your soul within you, if you like, that is, when you Choose and Accept the "True Destiny of your soul" within you, which is the "Earthen Pot" or the "Form of God" within you, that is, When you ask God to place His Holy Foot on your Shining Head, as Alone "Sufficient" for your life.
15. The True Nature of the "Brass Vessel" - is the Heaven of "the satan" in the "Earth World" within you, and is Now the Life of One who Continues to Choose the "Brass Vessel" Over the "Earthen Pot" within you, that is, the Life of One who Continues to Choose "the satan" Over God within you, No Matter What, that is, No Matter What God tells and shows you to the Contrary, that in truth "You and God" are One. That is, the "Brass Vessel" is Now the Life of One who Continues to Choose the "Brass Vessel", which in truth is the "form, state, and life" of "the satan" in the "Earth World" within you, Over the "Earthen Pot" which in truth is the "Form, State, and Life" of God in the "Earth World" within you. That is, Over the "Earthen Pot which is the Life of True Man within God within you, that is, the Life of One Living as God in the "Earth World" within you. That is, the Life of One who Continues to Choose the "Brass Vessel", Even After Again hearing from God the "Truth of God" about the "True Nature" of Both the "Brass Vessel" and the "Earthen Pot" within you, and the True Consequences of Choosing One Over The Other. And Even After literally becoming the "form, state, and life" of the "Brass Vessel" in the "Earth World" within you, which in truth is the "form, state, and life" of "the satan" in the "Earth World within you. And Even After sitting at the feet of the Example of the "Earthen Pot" on the "outside" of you, which in truth is the True "Sunnah of the Prophet". That is, at the feet of True Man, at the feet of God for your age and for all life, that is, at the feet of the "Presence of God" and the "Word of God" made flesh Now for your age and for all life. That is, Even After experiencing the difference between the two, that is, every experiencing the "The Contrast" between the "Earthen Pot" and the "Brass Vessel". And Even After Knowing that in truth the "Brass Vessel" is what "God Discarded" to Become God within you. And finally, Even After realizing that In Order To Now Truly Reach God, in your lifetime, One Must Become The "Earthen Pot", that is, One must Get God To "Do It Again", that is, "To Become God" Again, but this time within you, that is, this time within your "Heart, or Mind, or Room", if you like. For in truth the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to spend eternity within you as Either as "One with" God within you, Or as 'separate from" God within you, that is, as Either the "Earthen Pot" Or as the 'Brass Vessel" within you, that is, as Either the "Form, State, and Life" of God within you, that is, of True Man within God within you, Or as the "form, state, and life" of "the satan" within True Man within God within you, and that is for sure.
16. The Consequences of Choosing the "Brass Vessel" - Over the "Earthen Pot", Even After Knowing and Experiencing "Your Truth", which is the "Earthen Pot", is In the End "a deep sorrow" Now, and Later is the ruinous hell of "the satan" after you die to the flesh, that is, after the illusory "outside" of you is over, Even After Knowing and Experiencing "Your Truth" which was Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) in the world, and is Now Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), First on the "outside" of you and then within you, in whom "We are well Pleased". All of which in truth then becomes, if in the End you are Not Wise, the "Suffering of the Grave" within you, where you become a demon, a jinn, a fairy, or a ghost, and then roam the earth world within you until Qiyamah (The Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment). That is, if you fail to become wise, if you fail to become the "Presence of God", the "Word of God" made flesh, for your age and for all life, while you still can, before you die to the flesh, that is, if you fail to fall into the "Fire of God" that is Now burning in the world, All of which in truth is Now Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Pleased". For in truth, this is "God's Guarantee", this is "God's Promise", for your age and for all life, for in truth,
"If You Are Not There, Then Only God Is There, But If You Are There, Even A Little Bit There, Like the "white cow" with the "black dot", Then God Is Not There, Because God Is Perfect Purity.
So Learn How Not To Be There, From One Who Has Truly So Learned, And Only God Will Be There, As "One With" Within You, And "You" will Be "Within Him", As His "Pure White Cow".
And "you" as "separate from" As the "white cow" with the "black dot", Will Not Be There. That Would Be Good.
17. The Consequences of Choosing the "Earthen Pot" - Over the "Brass Vessel", is the "Rare Human" who receives the Station of the True "Swamiyar" in your lifetime, all of which in truth is Now Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in whom "We are well Pleased". And then, after a week in the "Earth World" as Such, as the True "Swamiyar" Now for your age and for all life, Such a One goes to the "Palace of Pearls" for a while, that is, after offering for "Sale" for a week in this "Earth World", that True Station of "Swamiyar" to all of His Children. That is, to all of My Children who Now are still mistakenly living in the "Earth World" as the "Brass Vessel", that is, as "your parents", as the "Enemy of the soul", as the "anti-christ", which in truth is Now all of My Children. For such is Now the "current state" of all of My Children, and such is Now "My Gift" to all of you, to all of My Children, if you like, "The Gift" of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), which is the Station of the True "Swamiyar", Now for your age and for all life. Amen. Ok?.
18. The Secret of Finding the One True "Swamiyar" - is that in truth "He is You", if you like, that is, "He is You", if you will only learn "How Not To Be There, So God Can Be There", that is, So the One True "Swamiyar" Now for your age and for all life, can "Be There". If not, you will just use up your time in the "Earth World" like a "fish looking for water", or a 'bird looking for air", or a "jinn looking for fire", or a "rainbow looking for ether", or a "squirrel looking for earth", So Please Accept and Start To Use Our Dearest Loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) as One Who Has Truly Learned From "Us", "How To Do It", before "We" left the "Earth World" as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), that is, learned from "Us",
"How Not To Be There, So God Can Be There"
And who also learned from "Us", before "We" left the "Earth World" as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),
"How To Let God Within You Make The One Who Is Now Speaking, Silent On The Outside" Of You, And The One Who Is Truly Silent Within You, Start To Speak On The Outside" Of You.
For In Truth, The "Silent Zikr" Is God Speaking, Not You Trying To Move Your Breath Around.
And In Truth, The True Guru/Shaikh Or "Swamiyar" Is The "Presence Of God" And The "Word Of God" Make Flesh, For Your Age And For All Life. All of Which In Truth, Is The Proper Station Of All Of My Children, If You Like.
So Please "Let Yourself Be God", Let Yourself Be "God Happening", So God Can Then Do Everything Else, To Make It So.
For The Benefit Of All Of His Creation, Within God Within You, And For A Little While On The "Outside" Of You For The Benefit Of Your Brothers And Sisters, As This Child Has Now Learned To Do. Amen. Ok?
"Original Version" of Chapter 17 - that is, as Chapter 17 is currently published in the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom" (www.ThePearlOfWisdom. homestead.com), by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), which was published in 2000, that is, Without Any "Additional New Material" by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)"
His Holiness teaches His Children
[Note: The "Original Version" of Chapter 17 begins on the Next Page, that is, on "Page 2 of 5" of Spiritual Letter 154. Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen]
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